How our Relationship with Amsoil Began
Our relationship with Amsoil came around in a personal manner. Erik Rud, the owner of Big Thompson Diesel and Automotive, used to race motocross professionally in Colorado. The sport would have him out riding his dirt bike every single weekend for several years. Needless to say this type of riding was very hard on his bike and he constantly had to replace the engine. One year, he actually had to replace the engine 7 different times.
Looking for answers, he began paying very close attention to the oil in his bike after a hard riding weekend. He could tell that the oil looked and smelled burnt regardless of what type he tried. He tried many different kinds of oils from the cheap OEM oils to expensive oils costing up to $42 per quart. He experimented with changing oil change intervals and even had it down to the number of hours of engine run time the oil was good for.
One day at the track, an Amsoil dealer caught his attention and gave him 2 free quarts of oil to try in his dirt bike. He changed his oil and used the Amsoil instead and noticed the tarnished burnt look did not occur. After 2 rides, he changed the oil again and after 5 weekends, the oil still did not look burnt. After his free supply ran out, he used the other oil he was using before and immediately blew up the engine his next ride.
He immediately signed up to be an Amsoil preferred customer at that time and put only Amsoil products in the bike and did not have to put a new engine in it again. That was in 2004 and that engine lasted until 2008 and won several state championships. Having over 800 hours of run time on the engine. He decided to tear it down in disbeliefe the engine had lasted that long. He has replaced bad gaskets on the engine so has had it completely apart and has noticed that the piston looked like new, the clutches were not worn and the gears looked great.
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